Saturday, January 13, 2007

My girls

Cheyanne has cerebral palsy. There is still alot of things that I don't understand about it. Like I don't understand why she has to have seizures or why she wants to keep to herself alot. She is in the first grade and I am amazed that she read her first words just last week! That was a big accomplishment for a little girl that is working on half brain capacity. She does amaze me everyday. Because of her tracheostomy, she has such a raspy voice. She wants to sing more than anything, but she is so behind in her speech, you can barely understand what she is trying to say. But Tiana can understand her. Tiana can make her see things that no one else can teach her. They are best friends and just by looking at them together, you know that they would do anything for each other. Tiana is going to pre-school right now but next year is the year of Cheyanne because they will be finally going to school together. No long will Cheyanne have to take the bus to school because now she can be accompanied by Tiana. I am a little emotional when it comes to them because they have a unique relationship. Cheyanne actually thinks that Tiana is her big sister, when it is her that is two years older.Time to put on Barney now:)

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Needed Mom at home that enjoys helping people