Cheyanne has her good days and her bad days. Today was a bad day. Its starts off with" NO-NO- everything is ugly!- Don't talk to me" to " I don't want to eat, its ugly" to Just plain "NO" for everything.
She can be the most sweetest, shyest little girl, but when she has an off day- its a bad day for all of us.
We still havent gotten a real handle on it yet- we just kind of try and make her laugh and get her out of this emotional state that she is in, but sometimes it just makes it worse. I have read a couple of articles about this and one that keeps coming up is :HOW TO BE A GOOD PARENT OF A CHILD WITH CEREBRAL PALSY OR PARENTS' RIGHTS.
It just explains how we need to handle some days but I am constantly looking for more books on it.
One thing that we do with Cheyanne is that she loves the computer. Its because she is really good at it. She loves logging on herself. She also loves to watch Barney videos and rewind them about fifty times, but she loves that because she can do it herself. She also likes to choose things on her own to show that she is a big girl. One thing we started to do with her is have homework packets and she loves it that we are proud of her when she can spell certain words. Of course, this is all done in conjuction with what her teachers are teaching her.
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